Shashtri Nagar Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh

Mr. V.B.Singh

Mr. V.B.Singh

Mr. V.B.Singh

BA, MA, B.ed degree in English

30+ years



Thanks for showing your interest in one of the leading residential public school of North U.P. It is here that a legacy of high intention combined with the sincerity of purpose and commitment extends before child a vast panorama ofleadering...
" The Battle of Water Loo was won on the field of Eton." Said the I Duke of Wellington. It is in the School that Child learns Human Values that become a protective armor for the rest of his life.
The School is Experimental Laboratory for the Child. He learns from his Mistakes and Practices those ideas which will guide him in later life when there are no friendly teachers, no guiding Principal and no loving parents beside him when he is his own master and it is his own deeds, which decide the course of his future destiny.
A child is a gift of God to man kind and a pride of human race. He must be educated with love and under standing and not by beating and scolding. Children are Natural Learners and their learning is slowed down when they are forced to learn.
No Child is average. Every Child is Special, indowed with unique gifts by the Creator. A Child's mind is like a river. It must flow onward and Carve its own way.
As Educators, it is our greatest joy to be in the midst of children. Their laughter is music to our ears, their playfulness is our cheer, their songs & dances are our delights and their singular achievement in studies and sports are a gift of joy to us.


Kindly enroll your student for bright future